People Power Training are now working alongside some of the UKs most widely saught after professionals in the field of Safeguarding to enable us to enter organisations and stringently check their safeguarding policies, and to make recommendations for upgrading the policies, implementing new ones, and even full staff retraining if necessary.
Safeguarding is a matter very close to our heart, as we feel no one should live in fear, and it is everyone's responsibility to stop abuse.
If you witness or believe there to be a safeguarding issue occurring, then it is your responsibility to do something about it, and it is only with adequate procedures and training, that you can be confident of the right course of action.
Our Safeguarding training ranges from basic 2 hour awareness courses giving a broad overview of Safeguarding and the roles, responsibilities, types of abuse and signs of the basic types of abuse (which is perfect for sports and social clubs)
Up to courses of multiple days for Designated Safeguarding officers and Leads, including all the main types of abuse, plus topics such as FGM, CSE and others.